The Italian Trade Agency (ITA), a government agency dedicated to promoting Italian business development abroad and attracting foreign investment into Italy, has been instrumental in branding the excellence of “Made in Italy” worldwide. Operating in India since 1969 through its offices in New Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai, ITA provides comprehensive assistance to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises through consulting, promotion, training, and market intelligence.

India’s woodworking machinery industry is experiencing significant growth, driven by the rapid expansion of the furniture and construction sectors. Urbanization, evolving consumer demographics, and the rise of the real estate, tourism, and hospitality industries are key factors fueling this demand. As the third largest economy in Asia, India remains a crucial export market for Italianwood working machinery, which is renowned for its technological innovation and commitment to internationalization. The Italian industry, comprising around 200 specialized companies, maintains an export to production ratio exceeding 70%, demonstrating its strong global presence.

According to Istat data, Italian exports in the woodworking machinery segment reached a record-high performance of €1.72 billionin CY 2023. This positive trend was also reflected in exports to India, which reached an all-time high. India advanced to the eighth position among Italy’s top export destinations in this sector, marking an improvement from the previous year. This achievement highlights the resilience and commitment of Italian enterprises in strengthening their presence in the Indian market.

Italian woodworking machinery has consistently performed well in India, with imports from Italy reaching €24 million in CY 2023 are markable 37% increase compared to 2022 ranking Italy as the third-largest supplier after China and Germany. However, provisional data until November 2024 indicates a decline, with imports falling to €13 million, reflecting a 41% decrease compared to the same period in 2023. This downward trend suggests shifts in India’s Imports slow down in demand. Despite this, Italy maintainedan 6 % market share in India’s total woodworking machinery imports in 2024. Notably, this trend is consistent across all major supplier nations, reflecting broader market conditions and not specific to Italian imports.

Among the most promising segments in CY 2023, Italy’s exports of presses for manufacturing particle board and fiberboard (HS847930) saw the highest surge, from mere € 468 thousand it reached around  €6.7 million in 2023. Additionally, sawing machines(HS 846591) also witnessed growth, with imports rising from € 468 thousand to €2.4 million. These figures highlight the demand for high-precision, technologically advanced solutions in India’s woodworking industry.


Coordinating Office for India,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
50-E, Chandragupta Marg,
New Delhi - 110021

+91 11 2410 1272


Marathon Futurex,
A-2404,24th Floor,
NM Joshi Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai,
Maharashtra - 400013

+91 2223020925/26/27/28


Bengaluru Desk,
Consulate General of Italy
2nd Floor, Vaishnavi Icon,
Richmond Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka - 560025

+91 80 69767000


ITA Desk,
Embassy of Italy
Plot No 2/3, 79 Rd No 74,
Bangladesh - 1212

+88 02 8832 781/3

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